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Hol Dir einen Trainer in Deinen Salon!
Teste den Calligraphen – kostenlos,
unverbindlich, unter fachlicher Anleitung!
Nutze die Möglichkeit, das innovative Tool ganz unkompliziert auszuprobieren – wir bringen einen zertifizierten Trainer direkt zu Dir!
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Tell Us Where to Bring the Revolution

Have your say in where calligraphy cut events will take place in 2025

London, Cardiff, Dublin - in 2024, we introduced the British Isles to calligraphy cut with a series of events that shook up the hairdressing world. Now, we're coming back. The only question is: Where?

Let us know where to bring this dynamic, inspiring event - where creativity meets business potential.

What to expect from a calligraphy cut event:
  • Hands-on Learning: Try your hand with the calligraphy pen and master the innovative technique.
  • Business Insights: Discover how calligraphy cut can transform your salon’s profitability.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect, collaborate, and grow alongside fellow stylists.
About calligraphy cut
Zum Greifen nah:
Cherished by hairstylists, proven by science
Cherished by hairstylists, proven by science
Calligraphy cut, inspired by the delicate art of flower cutting, uses a uniquely designed tool called the calligraph. Held like a pen, it cuts hair at a precise 21-degree angle. This patented technique increases the surface area of each hair strand by nearly 300%. The outcome is hair that is healthier, with enhanced shine, volume, texture, and movement.
Calligraphy cut, inspired by the delicate art of flower cutting, uses a uniquely designed tool called the calligraph. Held like a pen, it cuts hair at a precise 21-degree angle. This patented technique increases the surface area of each hair strand by nearly 300%. The outcome is hair that is healthier, with enhanced shine, volume, texture, and movement.

Ready to experience the revolution?

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Amplified layers create more bounce and flow.

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The angled cut makes hair stronger and more resilient.

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A larger surface area reflects more light, resulting in glossy, silky hair.




Hair full of natural movement means less effort for clients to achieve their perfect look.